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TVG Marketing Blog

Superhero In the House

May 31, 2023

A Day in The Life . . .

If you’ve ever worked in a leasing office, you know there’s seldom a dull moment.

A great example of this is a story I pulled from Chapter 11 (It Happened in the

Leasing Office) of my book, I Have A Complex, But I’m Managing It!

Superhero In the House

As a regional supervisor for a large management company, I was required to

regularly visit our communities. I enjoyed these opportunities to get to know our

personnel better as well as see firsthand what they were encountering on a daily


During one of these visits, I witnessed something truly heroic. It was a beautiful,

cool day in early spring. I was talking with a vendor in the clubroom which

featured dramatic floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the pool area. As we

discussed the details of an upcoming renovation project, I noticed the on-site

manager was preparing to take a couple of prospects out to tour the property.

Fashionista Takes a Dive

The manager was a vivacious young woman who always dressed to the nines in a

business suit, hose, and high heels. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her open

the back door, casually chatting away with our guests as she escorted them to the

pool area. Suddenly, she turned, broke into a sprint, threw open the gate and

dove into the water!

I felt my stomach lurch and immediately rushed outside to see what was

happening. By the time I reached the back door, she was already making her way

to the shallow end with a child in tow.

Saving One of Our Youngest Residents

The child’s mother, who’d been standing just a few feet away talking with a

neighbor, came running over and took the little boy from the manager’s arms.

With tears of gratitude, the young mom confessed that she’d taken her eyes off

her 18-month-old for just a couple of seconds. That was all it took for him to fall

into the water. The soaking wet property manager told us that she’d caught sight of the child’s

bright jacket and acted on instinct to jump in to save him. By this time, the

frightened child was wailing and shivering in his mother’s embrace. It was

tempting to reprimand the woman about being so neglectful, but I could see

she’d learned a valuable lesson. Needless to say, it was a sobering experience and

a good reminder of how important it is to continually reinforce pool safety rules.

While the heroic property manager went home to change into dry clothes, I

finished up with her prospects who ended up leasing an apartment that day. They

knew we had a very committed manager! Although we were all pretty shaken up

by what we’d witnessed, it was something we’d never forget.


Monica E. Simmons, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for JDC Enterprises, LLC, has worked in the multi-family industry in several different capacities since 1987. She is a published author whose books include; I Have A Complex, But I’m Managing It!, It Happened in The Hill Country, 30-Love and it's sequel, Match Point.  

Contact her at:

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